VERSIM Electronic Mailing List

To send a message to the VERSIM Electronic Mailing List, email it to and he will send it on to the mailing list.

To subscribe, send mail to Jabob Bortnik using the email above!

To unsubscribe,  send mail to Jabob Bortnik!

Guidelines for the VERSIM mailing list

The list is for messages and announcements of interest to the international VERSIM (VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres) community. Examples of acceptable messages:

Please try to keep messages brief and text only, as not all subscribers may be able to read binary attachments (e.g. images). It will usually be best to indicate a Web page where such information may be found.

The following are unacceptable:

Last Revised 4 March 2014
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