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The collision of two very slowly moving atoms is completely different to the billiard ball physics of the human-scale world. snook.jpg The correct description, quantum mechanics, makes it possible for strange things to occur - atoms may behave like waves and can interfere. We have created a collider experiment, similar to those used to smash particles together at light speed, but where the atoms move so slowly that the wave effects are revealed. By varying the collision speed, striking changes in the directions that atoms are scattered were observed. In the experiment two clouds of Rubidium atoms were cooled to the nanoKelvin regime and accelerated towards each other using magnetic fields. The particles scattered in the collision were directly imaged using laser light, and the observed scattering patterns could be interpreted as the quantum interference of exactly two waves. Such interference patterns illuminate the fine details on how atoms interact.


Click here to download a movie of the cold collision of two ultracold atomic Rubidium clouds.
Next: Cold and ultracold collisions Up: A Collider for Ultracold Atoms Previous: A Collider for Ultracold Atoms
nk 2004-11-02