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Cold and ultracold collisions

The field of cold and ultracold collisions of atoms has attracted substantial attention in recent years with an interdisciplinary impact on physics, chemistry and quantum computation. We shall adopt the convention that cold collisions are associated with collision energies in the range from 1 microKelvin to 1 milliKelvin (as measured in units of Boltzmann's constant) and ultracold collisions with energies less than 1 microKelvin. In the latter regime all the essential interaction properties are described by a single parameter, the s-wave scattering length and all collisions occur via radial motion since the cross section for angular motion vanishes asymptotically in the zero energy limit. Experiments with atomic gases cooled to the ultracold regime have given rise to a wealth of important achievements with the realization of Bose-Einstein condensation as a prominent example. Above the ultracold regime atoms may collide through angular motion states. The present webpage is concerned with such cold collisions and describes a novel experimental tool to measure the non-trivial angular scattering distribution under these conditions. The experiments are carried out with doubly spin-polarized $\rm ^{87}Rb$ atoms. However, our method could readily be extended to other atoms, atoms in different spin states, and to heteronuclear collisions. We believe we have seen only the tip of the iceberg.


Next: Colliding atomic clouds using a double-well trap Up: A Collider for Ultracold Atoms Previous: Introduction
nk 2004-11-02