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How did the clouds get so cold??

Cooling is a three stage process. The first step is to use laser cooling (1st stage) to lower the temperature from 300 K to about 100 microK. This technique uses scattering of near-resonant photons to impart a slowing force on the atoms and hence reduce their velocity. The atoms are then loaded into a magnetic trap, where they are evaporatively (2nd stage) cooled by continuously removing the high-energy tail of the thermal distribution of energies (click here to learn more about evaporative cooling). The magnetic trap is then converted into a double-well so it has two potential minima (splitting the original cloud into two) and we prepare two nearly identical clouds with a separation of 4 mm. The temperature for each cloud is now about 10 microKelvin. The clouds are now further evaporatively cooled (3rd stage) to a few hundred nanoKelvins.


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nk 2004-11-02