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Partial waves for $\rm ^{87}Rb$

We are considering collisions between gases of $\rm ^{87}Rb$ atoms in the $\vert F = 2, m_F = 2
\rangle$ hyperfine substate. Effectively, two colliding atoms are each identical composite bosons and the extended version of the Pauli principle then requires the total wave function to be symmetric. As a result, only terms of even $l$ contribute to the partial wave expansion Eq. (3) and the sum acquires a degeneracy factor of 2. At low collision energies only the $l=0$ term of Eq. (3) remains nonzero -- all elastic scattering has an isotropic (s-wave) nature. For increasing collision energies differential scattering via higher order partial waves sets in. The differential cross section in the special case of bosonic scattering restricted to s- and d-wave states is given by
$\displaystyle  \frac{d\sigma} {d\Omega}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle k^{-2}\vert
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle k^{-2}[4\sin^2 \eta_0
+25\sin^2\eta_2(3\cos^2\theta-1)^2 +\underb...
s+d  interference  term}]$ (7)

which is Eq. (1)
Next: Scattering Yield Up: Interpretation Previous: Partial wave expansion
nk 2004-11-02