

V . E . R . S . I . M

VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres

The working group on VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere (VERSIM) is an international group of scientists interested in studying the behaviour of the magnetosphere and ionosphere by means of ELF (300 Hz - 3 kHz) and VLF (3-30 kHz) radio waves, both naturally and artificially generated. The group was set up in 1975 by IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) and URSI (International Union of Radio Science), see history. Originally the emphasis was on probing of the magnetosphere by whistlers, but later the scope became somewhat broader. The group aims to promote research in this field by facilitating the exchange of ideas, information and experience between active research workers and other interested scientists. This is done through regular meetings at IAGA and URSI Assemblies, and via the circulation of a newsletter. The group has also been active in sponsoring scientific symposia at IAGA and URSI Assemblies, in areas relevant to its field of interest, and in coordinating observational campaigns. At present the main subjects of interest include Plasma structures and boundaries - morphology and dynamics, Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions, Wave-induced particle precipitation, Wave propagation in magnetosphere and ionosphere, Sprites and the effects of lightning on the ionosphere. There are currently almost 100 scientists from 21 different countries on the VERSIM mailing list.

Some VERSIM Research Laboratories

(Please notify any additions/corrections to A.J. Smith.)

VLF Data on the Web

IUGG, Sapporo, 2003

The 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), which encompasses IAGA, will be held in Sapporo, Japan, 30 June - 11 July 2003. The scientific programme and information on how to register for the assembly may be found on the web site, or contact the organising committee at email: iugg_service@jamstec.go.jp or fax: +81 468-67-9315. There will be several sessions of interest to VERSIM, but particularly:

GAIII.02 What Role Do Waves Play in Transport and Acceleration of Ring Current and Radiation Belt Particles?

Waves which violate the first and third invariant conservation can, respectively, affect radial diffusion and pitch angle scattering of equatorially confined radiation belt electrons. The former, VLF waves, may also cause localized energization through radial transport and first invariant conservation. Ring current ions undergo drift-bounce resonance with ULF waves in the same mHz frequency range as electrons experience drift resonance, while both cyclotron and drift resonant effects influence trapping criteria of ions ranging from ring current to solar energetic particle and CRAND proton energies. This session will include wave effects in the preceding categories on particles of energies of order 10keV - 10MeV, which populate the inner magnetosphere with variable flux levels depending on the state of the solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere.
Conveners: R. Horne and M. Hudson

GAIII.10 How can we Use Waves as Diagnostic Probes for Space Weather Studies?

This session, convened by K. Yomoto, F. Menk and A.J. Smith, will focus on "the use of ULF, ELF and VLF waves as diagnostic probe of the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled system for a space weather study. These waves convey information about the dynamics and morphology of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the solar wind and ionosphere. Papers obtained by new and established coordinated ground and space-based observations for a space weather study are strongly encouraged."

VERSIM Business meeting

There will be a meeting of the VERSIM working group during the Sapporo Assembly, at 1900 on Monday 7 July 2003 in Pearl Hall A, Royton Hotel.

Other forthcoming meetings

URSI, Maastricht, 2002

27th General Assembly of URSI was held in Maastricht, the Netherlands 17-24, August 2002. There was a meeting of the VERSIM working group during the Assembly, on 19 August 2002. A report is here.

VERSIM bibliography

Please send any additions or corrections to
Michel Parrot


Previous editions of this page

VERSIM Newsletters

The VERSIM Newsletter (and its predecessor, the PEPM Newsletter) has been published about 1-2 times per year. The latest issue (No. 15) was published in June 2001. Newsletters up to No. 13 were distributed on paper. From No. 14 onwards they will be distributed electronically, either via the VERSIM electronic mailing list or through this web page. Here is an archive of past VERSIM Newsletters:

Further information

Contact one of the VERSIM working group co-chairmen:
IAGA Co-chairman A.J. Smith; email a.j.smith@bas.ac.uk
URSI Co-chairman M. Parrot; email mparrot@cnrs-orleans.fr

This document is maintained by A.J. Smith and was last updated 28 May 2003.

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